coz mummy want go auntie house painting...
erm... so we 9 someting adi go there...
reach there alomost 10...=)
11 something call my Honey wake up and come Aman Puri there fetch me...=p
then ask mummy fetch me go McDonald there...
Honey after fetch me then go fetch Jean...
after that then go back home... coz i want bath...=p
almost 1 somthing like that then we just go fetch Ying...
finish fetch Ying and her brother then we go The Curve...
we go there walk walk and eat McDonald...^^
erm... almost 4 somthing like that then we go back adi...
Honey fetch Mun go back adi then just fetch Jean back...
then my sister sms me ask me want go eat thing or not...
we almost 6 like that then go Jinjang there eat adi...
after finish eat then back home a while then go out again...
we go SS2 there eat ice-cream...=D
that ice-cream so nice o~~ and take so many picture... hehe...
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