then when tuition Math that time....
Me and Mun discuss later 4.30 Add Math dont want go....
we say want go out yam cha.... then Alex n Mei Kei also say want go....
finish Math then we walk go Pei San house find her go yam cha....
after that then we go mamak there yam cha....=D
Me , Mun n Pei San go there drink thing only....
just Alex n Mei Kei go there eat thing....
erm.... after they finish then we go GG cc awhile....
many people.... but Me n Mun dint play.... just they play only....
after awhile.... Me n Mun want go back tuition centre there le....
we borrow umbrella from Hao Ming coz that time was raining... haha....
then we two walk back tuition there....^^
when we reach tuition centre Me n Mun wet wet adi....
next time raining i dont want go out adi....
today Ying dint go tuition.... coz she sick adi....
erm.... Ying.... faster recover back o~~~ take care....=)